XCM, Staking and Multi-Asset Rewards (MARs) FAQs
Transactions and Fees FAQs
- What are the fees on Coinmetro?
- What are the deposit times for Coinmetro's listed assets?
- What are the withdrawal times for Coinmetro's listed assets?
- Where can I find the status of my deposit?
- Where can I find the status of my withdrawal?
- Why are my funds unavailable?
Compliance and KYC FAQs
- How can I check my Account Verification/KYC Status?
- How can I update my Personal Information?
- How long does Profile Verification take?
- Why have I been asked to resubmit my documents for Profile Verification?
- Why have I been asked to submit a Proof of Address document?
- Which countries are not supported by Coinmetro?
Crypto and Trading Platforms FAQs
- How can I sell my Shares, Equities or Bonds?
- Which cryptocurrencies are listed on Coinmetro?
- How long does it take for a limit order to be filled?
- Can I exchange fiat-to-fiat on Coinmetro?
- Which pairs are available on Coinmetro's Exchange Platform?
- Which pairs are available on Coinmetro's Margin Platform?