The Coinmetro Copy Trading Platform is a product that allows users to mirror the trades made by a manager. Here at Coinmetro, our copy trading platform is known as TraM, short for Trade Mirror.
Are TraMs public or private?
TraMs can either be public or private; although the vast majority of the TraMs will be private. Private TraMs are not visible to the public and are only accessible via a link that the manager can share. Public TraMs have gone through a thorough vetting process by the Coinmetro team, and the managers are experienced traders with proven track records.
- What are the fees?
There are no costs to following a TraM. You can allocate EUR, BTC, ETH and more to a TraM, and your account will automatically mirror the trades made by the manager. You are free to remove your funds at any time.
The trading managers take a small management fee only on the profit you make. The fees will be chosen by the trading manager and will be either 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25%.
- Who can join a TraM?
Anyone who is staking a minimum of 10,000 XCM and has completed Profile Verification is welcome to start their own private TraM. Private TraMs are perfect to share with friends, family, and social media.
Please note that the content of this article is not to be seen as trading or financial advice. It is for educational purposes only.
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