Sometimes when you have crypto or fiat currencies within your account balance, some or all of this balance may not be available for use. This could be for a variety of different reasons.
Pending Deposit
If you have made a recent fiat or cryptocurrency deposit, please note that although the funds will present as visible in your account, the funds will not become available for trading until the deposit has been approved by the finance department.
How to check a deposit status
On Desktop or Browser | On the Mobile App |
1. From the Wallets page, scroll down until you find the relevant currency under "My Wallets" 2. Then, click on it to find the deposit status. |
Tap on the Assets icon at the bottom of the screen 2. Tap on the History symbol in the upper right-hand corner 3. Find the deposit and its status at the top of the page. |
Once the deposit has been approved, the funds will then become available in your wallet balances to use for trading and the transaction will appear as 'completed' under your Transaction History.
Pending Withdrawal
If you have made a recent withdrawal request, please note that although the funds have been debited from your account, the funds will be allocated within a pending withdrawal until this has been approved by the finance department.
How to find a withdrawal status
You can find the status of a withdrawal by following the same steps mentioned for a deposit above.
Please note that with this method, you can only see whether the withdrawal is pending. Once the withdrawal has been sent, the funds are deducted from your Wallet Balances and the transaction will appear as 'sent' under your Transaction History.
Allocated Funds
Your unavailable funds may be unclaimed, allocated, or in use for a variety of possible reasons:
You have a pending limit order
You have a copy trading (TraM) allocation
You have allocated collateral on the margin platform
You have allocated funds to a staking program
You may have unclaimed referral or staking rewards.
Please note that you can see all of your allocations by first heading to your Coinmetro Wallet and then clicking on the relevant currency under 'My Wallets'.
Once these funds have been unallocated or claimed, they will become available again for trading.
We kindly ask that you please ensure you have checked all of the above before contacting support.
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