Before following a TraM, you should be aware that the risk of loss in trading or holding digital assets is substantial, and the value of digital assets is subject to extreme volatility.
When you are following a TraM, you are following a Trading Manager's margin trades which are mirrored within your account. In margin trading, you may lose more funds than you have deposited, which in effect can result in a negative balance on your TraM allocation.
Be aware that the cryptocurrency market is volatile, and even professional traders lose money.
Before allocating funds to a TraM, you are required to sign a disclaimer stating that you agree to the TraM Terms & Conditions Of Use where section 2.11 covers information regarding the loss of funds, negative balances & decline in asset value. Coinmetro is not liable for any funds lost as a result of TraM losses.
If your TraM allocation stands with a negative value, this will need to be covered before you are able to withdraw funds from the Coinmetro platform.
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