Unfortunately, telephone support is not currently available on Coinmetro. However, please be assured that our dedicated Customer Support team is on hand 24/7 to answer your queries either via live chat or by email at hello@coinmetro.com.
You can contact our Client Support team in a few different ways depending on if you are logged into your account or not.
On Desktop or Browser
Logged out
From the Coinmetro homepage, click on the purple chat icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen. You don't need to be logged into an account to start a chat using this method.
Logged in
if you're logged into your account, from your Coinmetro Dashboard, click on your profile icon (your initials) in the top-right corner. Then, from the dropdown menu click on "Support & FAQ". From here you can start a chat with one of our Customer Support Specialists.
On the Mobile app
From the Home screen, tap on the Menu icon at the top of the screen. From here, tap on Contact Support.
The Coinmetro Help Center
Alternatively, you can visit our Help Center which is packed with everything you need to know about our platform! Simply search for your question and you may find the answer. Visit the Coinmetro Help Center
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